Surviving Against All Odds: The Inspiring Story of a Mother Dog’s Unwavering Love for Her Four Pups

She put up a strong fight to survive and never gave up on her children.

It’s heart-wrenching to witness the distress of stray dogs left to fend for themselves. Si Bao is a true inspiration, showing unwavering bravery, strength, and love for her puppies despite her circumstances. After being cruelly abandoned by her owner, Si Bao suffered a terrible accident that crushed her back legs beneath a train. She must have felt utterly hopeless until she gave birth to four adorable and healthy pups – they became her reason for living. It’s amazing to see how the love of a mother dog can overcome even the toughest of obstacles.

After becoming a mother, Si Bao found new purpose and regained her zest for life. Her children brought her immense joy and she has remained a strong and determined caregiver for them ever since. While keeping a watchful eye on her little ones, Si Bao effortlessly navigates on her two front legs.

Si Bao’s luck took a turn for the better when the animal welfare organization founded by Jill Robinson rescued his family and designated his brave mother dog as an animal ambassador. Now, Si Bao and his child have been relocated to the charity’s headquarters where they can start afresh instead of scrounging for food scraps from trains. Sadly, only Muddie survived the ordeal.

Furthermore, Si Bao is now known as Lelly and has made the decision to acquire prosthetic legs attached to wheels to enhance her mobility. The team stumbled upon Lelly’s litter of four puppies, but unfortunately, three of them had already succumbed to high temperatures, leaving behind only one named Muddie.

At present, Lelly is relishing her life as the ambassador for Animals’ Asia animal. She’s a tough cookie who doesn’t let obstacles knock her down, despite being just a tiny pup.

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