“Brave Pup Overcomes Obstacles: From Tumor to Triumph with Amputation”

In Phetchabun Province of Thailand, compassionate rescuers came across a dejected stray dog with a massive tumor causing her immense pain and difficulty in movement. The poor dog had been enduring the tumor’s agony for a considerable duration, and no one stepped forward to offer assistance in its treatment.

It was a long and arduous journey for the rescuers to transport her from Phetchabun province all the way to Pattaya, spanning a distance of 455.5 kilometers. The journey took nearly 6 hours but they were determined to get her the treatment she needed.

Small cancers that are difficult to treat have been identified by veterinarians, including those on her leg. Unfortunately, a severe growth on her abdomen caused her great suffering and led her to live on the streets without access to food.

While at the veterinarian’s office, she appeared to be unhappy and in pain, evident by her facial expression. Despite this, she managed to consume a considerable amount of food.

According to the veterinarians, in order to treat her and eliminate the tumors in her body, it would be necessary to amputate her leg.

Despite the fact that the injuries have healed, she has shown great improvement in her condition one month after a victorious surgery to extract the tumor.

She’s making progress with her mobility and familiarizing herself with her tri-pod lifestyle.

The plan is to take her back to Phetchabun, her home province, where she will be embraced and looked after with love and compassion for the rest of her days.

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